Tuesday, April 14, 2020

PGAPappas Golf Stimulus Package (Wave 3): Two Feet Apart with Duca del Cosma

We all know about social distancing now.  Staying six feet apart from other people lessens your chance of getting sick during this outbreak. 


But on the golf course it's those two feet apart that can have a big effect on your game's health.  And the new Duca del Cosma Eldorado and Masters golf shoes are two of the best this year for comfort, traction, and truly unique style. 

In Wave 3 of my PGAPappas Golf Stimulus Package, I'll be giving away a pair of the Duca Eldorado or Masters.  You can choose whichever shoes you want, and the color option as well.  

Here's a link to the Duca del Cosma site showing the color options as well as other golf shoes in Duca's current line-up


I've already reviewed both the Eldorado and Masters for you on twitter and Instagram, but will touch on a few points again here, since one of you will win your very own pair.  And then below I'll let you know how to enter on twitter and Instagram. 

The Eldorado golf shoes are designed with some of the softest leather imaginable.  And Duca adds a nice touch to the Nappa leather by using waxed laces to make these shoes some of the coolest around. 


Eldorado is a classic looking shoe with modern flair, and a top-notch combination of comfort and stability.  Memory foam insoles are soft enough to absorb shock, but not overly cushioned so you still have ground awareness.  Traction is outstanding.

My Eldorado are black, but these strikingly good looking shoes come in five different colors, all extremely luxurious in appearance.  And yes, they are breathable and waterproof as well. 


I have quite a few Duca del Cosma golf shoes now, and I've learned from style to style (and even spikeless to spiked), there's an unvaried and satisfying feel to their shoes.  And the spiked Masters are definitely one of their top dogs. 

Masters are incredibly sporty, using the same comfortable and luxuriously soft Nappa leather.  And the moment you put them on you'll know (and feel) these are crafted with comfort and performance to match


Whichever style you choose in this giveaway, these are golf shoes that will keep your style game in top form.  And the quality, material, and workmanship is flat-out exceptional


How to Enter the PGAPappas Two Feet Apart with Duca del Cosma Golf Stimulus Package 

On Twitter Retweet the Stimulus Package tweet and Follow @DucadelCosmaUK and @PGAPappas

While on Instagram Like or Repost the Stimulus Package post, and also Follow @DucadelCosma and @PGAPappas.  


On Twitter or Instagram, leave a Comment which new Duca del Cosma golf shoes you want (i.e., the Eldorado or the Masters). 

And there you go. A Stimulus Package to ensure your two feet apart give you the best foot forward on the course.  These are truly great golf shoes, and as always, this one's open to everyone worldwide


Any questions, as always, just leave a comment below, DM me on twitter or Instagram, or send me an email.


  1. Another amazing giveaway! Thanks Pete!!!

    1. Thanks Scott. Really love both of these shoes, and think all of you will as well. 👍
