So I learned tonight Santa has some kind of strange Scott Baio phobia. Might start calling him Chachi in our money games. Santa also has burner accounts on X and Instagram. I won't judge but not what I expected from the Jolly Man in Red. I'll let him tell you all about it in his letter below.
Another "not a surprise, kind of a surprise" thing was Santa telling me (again) how much he loves his Duca del Cosma golf shoes. Knew that. I mean, who doesn't love Duca? What I didn't know was how many pairs of Duca he has. Imelda Marcos vibes. And my pal Imelda Claus had a great idea. We've never given away TWO pairs of Duca del Cosma to anyone before. Santa says do it. So of course we're doing just that for DAY 4 of my PGAPappas 12 Days of Christmas Golf Giveaway. Any TWO pairs you want from Duca's entire 2024-2025 Collection.