Thursday, December 14, 2023

PGAPappas 12 Days of Christmas JingleBAM DAY 5 Golf Giveaway: Dormie Workshop Limited Edition Driver and Putter Headcovers

Dormie Workshop has a special place in my heart.  This premium handmade leather headcover company created my first custom PGAPappas logo headcovers.  And they made my jaw drop.  Absolutely stunning.  I knew as soon as I received the HCs that Dormie would have to be in my PGAPappas 12 Days of Christmas Golf Giveaway this year.

And so for this DAY 5 Jingle BAM giveaway I have a treat for you.  FOUR limited edition and outrageously unique Dormie Workshop driver and putter headcovers.  One of them is the first of only eight ever made!  We'll have FOUR winners, be sure to tell me which headcover you want, and below I'll give you the scoop on each of them.

If you browse through the Dormie Workshop website you'll see immediately how soulful, extravagant, and magical their designs are.  I mentioned in my custom logo headcovers review the high-quality leather is absolutely luscious, even transformative.  And workmanship it truly artistic.  In fact most of the staff at Dormie come from a local Arts College, everyone from artisans on the floor who make the headcovers to the designers who imagine the headcovers into existence.

The four Dormie Workshop limited edition headcovers for my Jingle BAM DAY 5 giveaway are as unique as the fallen snow.  And first up is the USA putter cover.  This was part of the Dormie 2023 Ryder Cup Collection.  All full-grain leather, applique top, hand stitched and just a beautiful patriotic option that works for both a blade and mid-mallet.

You'll also be able to choose a headcover that was born from the Dormie Workshop Nautical Collection.  And there's a very cool story behind how this all happened.

The Nautical Collection headcovers look like sailing flags.  If you're not familiar with the history of sailing, ships used to use fly a sequence of flags with different colors and designs.  Each combination represented different letters in the nautical language so passing ships could communicate with each other.

This collection is also a tip of the cap to the Nova Scotia sailing community (where Dormie Workshop has its headquarters).  Nova Scotia also happens to be the deepest port in North America.  It was such a fun project the Dormie creative juices began flowing even more.

Dormie then created this Sperry shoe driver headcover and showed a picture of the concept to the folks Sperry and asked them what they thought.  Sperry was blown away.   So Sperry sent Dormie some of their actual Sperry Topsider leather and Dormie made only eight of these exist in the world.  They were never to be released.  Some went to people at Sperry.  And now one of you will also have one of the eight inspired by the Sperry Topsider.


We also have the Classic Brogue Shoe driver headcover which was part of 2023 PGA Championship Collection.  And if you watched the major championship at Oak Hill C C this year you saw champion Brooks Koepka win with Dormie Workshop on his bag.  Every time Koepka reached for his driver we all got to see the Dormie black and white cow.


And finally we have the Dormie Workshop Ouija "Birdie" Board putter headcover.  This one is ridiculously fun like the others and the idea here is you have to sometimes summon up the spirits to make your birdie putt!

Hope you enjoy this one.  I can't help but smile looking at every one of these headcovers.  And keep an eye on the Dormie Workshop website and X/Twitter and Instagram accounts in the New Year.  They'll be celebrating their 10th anniversary in 2024 and I have a feeling they're going to be doing some amazing thing.  Seriously keep an eye on Dormie and you can thank me later.

Remember you always have three different ways to win the daily gifts in my giveaway this year.  On X/Twitter just repost my giveaway announcement and follow all; on Instagram repost or mention in your story, like, and follow all; and here on my blog leave a comment in the section below in the daily review/giveaway, Jingle Bam, Letters from Santa, Jingle Bam Bigger, and Flash Kringle Gonna Kringle articles.

These gifts are great prizes of course, but also some of the best equipment and gear in their class that I played and reviewed this season.  And I hope these mini reviews and recaps give you an idea of why I rate them so highly.

Merry Christmas all!.


  1. One of these in my new Vessel🔥🔥🔥

  2. Pete is the Mr. Kringle!!!! :D

    @4ryanthomas ;D

  3. Replies
    1. Fell in love with the custom logo headcovers they made for me.

  4. Dormie makes amazing stuff!!

    1. Suspect gonna be some crazy good stuff for their 10th anniversary next year.

  5. Congrats tmarkey11 and JSLocke (on X/Twitter) and @johnmainella79 and @golfgirlguru (on Instagram) you won the Dormie Workshop headcovers in my PGAPappas 12 Days of Christmas. DM/email for details. Thanks to all who participated, more coming soon.
