Santa dared me and you know Kringle gonna take any dare. So let's start the first of FIVE Santa Dared Me giveaways in my PGAPappas 12 Days of Christmas Golf Giveaway with something that's a bit of a mystery and generating A LOT of buzz on social media and on Tour. I'm talking about the new 2024 Project X Denali Driver and Wood shafts.
We've seen Denali Blue back in July at a PGA Tour event and Denali Black sightings will probably start rolling out in January. True Temper and Project X haven't released all the details about Denali (as they haven't been officially released yet). But I'm going to share a few tasty morsels about Denali you might not know about. And one of you is also getting your very own Denali Blue or Black shaft. You can pick any weight and flex (I'll tell you what's available below).